
AGM & Junior Presentations

Sun, 8 Apr 2018
from 1:30pm to 4:00pm

by Jeremy Forkgen
Posted: almost 7 years ago
Updated: almost 7 years ago by Jeremy Forkgen
Visible to: public

Time zone: Sydney
Reminder: None
Ends: 04:00pm (duration is about 3 hours)

You are cordially invited to attend the Saints AGM & Presentation Day Sunday 8 April, from 1:30pm to about 4pm.

The AGM is your opportunity to step forward & help us continue to make this a fantastic place for your kids to have fun & play sport safely. For all roles but one, the person has been doing for 3 years. If you are interested in anything in particular please contact us & we can provide details. Check Role Descriptions at http://saints.asn.au/information and Nomination Form https://macquariesaintsbaseball.teamapp.com/newsletters/424124

Junior Presentations will start at 2pm & run til 4pm. The tentative running order is below. HOWEVER we request everybody to be available from 2pm as we are flexible to adjust the times for players who have let us know in advance that they cannot make it & if we can accommodate it (we can’t always).
Sunday 8 April
11am Fischer Cup – Coaches vs LL SD 2 Hansl
1pm BBQ available
1:30pm AGM
2pm Presentations
LL Big D2 Ferreira (Gabby needs to leave early)
5 & 10 yr Player Awards
Junior Blue Recognition
Hawk Ball
LL T-Ball Maiden
LL Zooka 1 Choy
LL Zooka 2 Brennen
LL Minor Rookie Live Jajha
LL Minor Rookie Live Nicoll
LL Minor Lenton
LL Major Lawrence
LL Junor D2 Inglis
LL Senior D2 Hansl
LL Junior D3 Ivantsoff

For our entertainment, the Fischer Cup will be played for by our LL Senior D2 team against the coaches starting at 11am.

Looking forward to seeing you on the day:
Macquarie Saints Executive Committee 2017/18
- President: Mark King
- Seniors VP: Sam Collins
- Juniors VP: vacant
- Secretary: Russell Sheffield
- Treasurer: Gina Dunford
- Registrar: Jeremy Forkgen
- Public Officer: David Lawrence
- Ordinary Member
- Equipment Officer: David Lawrence
- Junior Blues Coordinator: Henryk Krasweski
- Scorer’s Coordinator: Alison de Araujo
- Uniform’s Coordinator: Margaret Bartlett
- Photo Coordinator: vacant
- Trophy Coordinator: vacant
- MPIO: jeremy forkgen
- Child Protection Officer: jeremy forkgen
- Webmaster – Jonathan Burnett

5 year players
Daniel Grant
Patton Van der Westhuizen
Meagan Hayes
Maddison Morrisby
Rory Meehan
Ali Bdoul
Tamarah Grant
Saiph Inglis
Rigel Inglis
Marcus Choy
Thomas Reay
Jack Lenton
Emma Hooper
Nikolas Chavez
Alex Costantino

10 year players
Leo Hansl
Marcus Khoo


pioneer park marsfield