Fischer Cup / AGM / Juniors Presentation

31 Mar 2019 by Adrian Hobson

Sunday 7 April – Pioneer Park

Fischer Cup starts at 11am
AGM starts at 1:30pm
Juniors Presentation straight after AGM

Come along to cheer on our Bigs / Seniors against our Coaches – a match not-to-be-missed!

We will need a few volunteers to help set up for the AGM and presentation. Please contact me if you can help. You can watch the Fischer Cup while you are there.

There are still places available on the Committee for the next season! Why not put your hand up and help keep the club going. This is a very rewarding opportunity. See the attached flyer for available positions.

Please pass this on to anyone that is not on Team App.

Adrian Hobson
Juniors VP


pioneer park marsfield